Social Media Channels

This function provides additional communication channels for OTRS and connects Twitter as social media platform.

Tweets can be created via OTRS and can be managed as tickets. Public comments to a tweet that is connected with a ticket appear as incoming articles in OTRS tickets. This allows to manage communication on social media platforms with OTRS and even to manage different social media channels in one ticket.


This feature is available only for managed customers. A special contract is needed to use this feature.


In order to use this feature a system administrator needs to setup the related social media profile configuration first.


To create a new Twitter tweet ticket:

  1. Go to the main menu and select Create Twitter Tweet Ticket.

  2. Fill in the fields.

    In the ticket create screen, the Posting Details and the Communication sections can be used for Twitter tweet tickets.

    Twitter Tweet Ticket Properties

    Twitter Tweet Ticket Properties

  3. Select a Twitter account.

  4. Add a title. The title is only for internal purposes. It is the title of the corresponding ticket for a Twitter tweet.

  5. Write the content of the message.

  6. Click on the Create button after all relevant fields are filled.

This creates a new Twitter tweet and a ticket in OTRS containing the Twitter tweet as first article.

It is possible to add attachments of the following type:

  • Photos (JPEG/WEBP/PNG, up to 4 files and up to 5 MB each)

  • GIF

  • Video (single file up to 15 MB)

The ticket create screen for Twitter tweet tickets contains the widget Twitter Account History. This widget shows all Twitter tweets that have been created for the selected Twitter account.

In the ticket detail view, the widgets Communication Compact and Communication Stream display all communications sent from OTRS to Twitter or sent from Twitter to OTRS with a Twitter icon in the column Channel.

Twitter Tweet Ticket Detail View

Twitter Tweet Ticket Detail View

The layout of a Twitter tweet is displayed within the article.

All comments or retweets to a Twitter tweet that is connected with a corresponding ticket in OTRS are displayed as new article containing a [Comment] or [Tweet] in the beginning of the articles subject.

Replies to Twitter tweet can be send via OTRS using the article action Reply via Comment.

If a Twitter user likes a tweet that has been created with OTRS, then it will create a new version of the article in OTRS.

If a public user writes a direct message to a Twitter tweet that is connected with OTRS then the following happens:

  • If there has been any communication between this user and OTRS and there is an open ticket for this customer user, the direct message is sent to the ticket with open state. If there are more than one open tickets, then the system sends it to the youngest ticket that has an open state.

  • If there is no already existing communication with OTRS, the direct message will create a new ticket.

The direct messages are displayed as articles within the ticket.

Incoming Twitter Direct Message

Incoming Twitter Direct Message

All messages are displayed as new articles containing a [Message] in the beginning of the articles subject.

OTRS agents can reply to direct messages by using the article action Reply via Direct Message.

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