System Configuration

Displaying Configuration Item Class Specific Columns

Configuration item class specific columns (i.e. the capacity of a hard disc) are not shown in the configuration overview list and in the configuration item organizer item list by default.

In order to display configuration item field values as table columns, the YAML configuration of the lists needs to be extended.

The following example shows how to add the field Computer::HardDisk::1 and Computer::HardDisk::1::Capacity::1 of the class Computer to the configuration item overview list:

  1. Search for the setting AgentFrontend::ConfigItemList###DefaultConfig.

  2. Add the following to the YAML configuration:

        IsVisible: 2
        IsVisible: 2
    Example YAML Configuration of the Configuration Item Overview

    Example YAML Configuration of the Configuration Item Overview

  3. Deploy the modified configuration.

Configuration Item Overview with Class Specific Columns

Configuration Item Overview with Class Specific Columns

Applying Configuration Item Class Specific Filters

The following example shows how to apply the filter for the Computer::Model field of the class Computer in the configuration item overview list.

First you need to make sure, that the relevant class filter is also applied, otherwise all class-specific filters will be simply ignored.

This can be done via the ClassIDs filter, which takes the ID of the class as the value. Please follow the steps below to get the ID of the class and apply the filters.

  1. Go to the Configuration Items management screen in the administrator interface.

  2. Click on the relevant class in the list.

    The ClassID is now shown in the URL, for example in this case the ID is 22:

  3. Search for the setting AgentFrontend::ConfigItemList###DefaultConfig.

  4. Set both the filter for the class to the value determined in step 2 and the field filter to the desired value:

        - 22
        Value: ModelA
  5. Deploy the modified configuration.

Configuration Item Overview with Class Specific Filter

Configuration Item Overview with Class Specific Filter


The fields that can be filtered need to have Searchable: 1 set in their class definitions. See here for more information.

Applying Configuration Item Filters for All Classes

The following example shows how to apply the filters for the common Owner and CustomerID fields which are used in all classes in the configuration item overview list.

  1. Search for the setting AgentFrontend::ConfigItemList###DefaultConfig.

  2. Add the following to the YAML configuration:

    - Owner
    - CustomerID
  3. Deploy the modified configuration.

Configuration Item Overview with All Class Filters

Configuration Item Overview with All Class Filters

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