
Nach der Installation des Pakets werden fünf neue Module für Skript-Task-Aktivitäten und Sequenzfluss-Aktionen des Prozessmanagements hinzugefügt.


So sehen Sie die neuen Module:

  1. Gehen Sie im Administrator-Interface zur Ansicht Prozessverwaltung.

  2. Erstellen Sie einen neuen Prozess oder wählen Sie einen bestehenden Prozess aus, der eine Skript-Task-Aktivität enthält.

  3. Klicken Sie auf den Eintrag Aktivitäten im Widget Verfügbare Prozesselemente in der linken Seitenleiste.

  4. Erstellen Sie eine neue Skript-Task-Aktivität oder bearbeiten Sie eine bestehende.

  5. Wählen Sie eines der neuen Skripte im Dropdown Script.

    • AppointmentDataPull

    • AppointmentDataPush

    • LinkWithAppointment

  6. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Speichern, wenn die Schaltfläche Konfigurieren neben der Dropdown-Liste Script nicht sichtbar ist.

  7. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Konfigurieren, um Parameter (Schlüssel-Werte-Paare) für das Skript hinzuzufügen.


Ein Modul zum Abrufen von Daten aus einem verknüpften Termin.

Prozessmanagement-Modul „AppointmentDataPull“

Prozessmanagement-Modul „AppointmentDataPull“

Abschnitt „Verknüpfte Terminbedingungen“

In diesem Bereich können Sie nach Terminen suchen.

Filter können mit Schlüssel-Werte-Paaren hinzugefügt werden. Es besteht eine logische UND-Beziehung zwischen den Filtern, wenn mehr als ein Filter hinzugefügt wird. Die logische ODER-Verknüpfung kann durch mehrere durch , getrennte Werte hinzugefügt werden.

Abschnitt „Gewünschtes Verhalten“

Wenn im obigen Abschnitt mehr als ein Termin gefunden wird, können Sie hier das gewünschte Verhalten festlegen.

Mögliche Werte:

  • Attribute aus dem zuerst gefundenen Termin kopieren

  • Attribute aus dem zuletzt gefundenen Termin kopieren

  • Termin ignorieren, nichts kopieren

Abschnitt „Attribute des Prozesstickets“

Mit diesem Modul können die Attribute des Prozesstickets aktualisiert werden. Der Schlüssel ist das Attribut des Prozesstickets. Der Wert kann ein vordefinierter Text, ein Attribut aus dem verknüpften Termin Form eines OTRS-Tags oder eine Verkettung von beidem sein. Das OTRS-Tag-Präfix <OTRS_APPOINTMENT_*> kann hier verwendet werden.





5 very high





Siehe auch

Siehe die AppointmentDataPull und die AppointmentSearch() API-Referenz.


Ein Modul zum Einfügen von Daten in einen verknüpften Termin.

Prozessmanagement-Modul „AppointmentDataPush“

Prozessmanagement-Modul „AppointmentDataPush“

Abschnitt „Verknüpfte Terminbedingungen“

Dieser Abschnitt dient der Suche in den verknüpften Terminen.

Filter können mit Schlüssel-Werte-Paaren hinzugefügt werden. Es besteht eine logische UND-Beziehung zwischen den Filtern, wenn mehr als ein Filter hinzugefügt wird. Die logische ODER-Verknüpfung kann durch mehrere durch , getrennte Werte hinzugefügt werden.

Abschnitt „Verknüpfte Terminattribute“

Hier können die zu aktualisierenden Attribute des verknüpften Termins festgelegt werden. Der Schlüssel ist das Attribut des verknüpften Termins. Der Wert kann ein vordefinierter Text, ein Attribut aus dem Prozessticket in Form eines OTRS-Tags oder eine Verkettung von beidem sein. Das OTRS-Tag-Präfix <OTRS_TICKET_*> kann hier verwendet werden.





closed successful




Process: <OTRS_TICKET_DynamicField_ProcessManagementProcessID>

Siehe auch

Siehe die AppointmentDataPush und die AppointmentSearch() API-Referenz.


Ein Modul zur Verknüpfung von Terminen.

Prozessmanagement-Modul „LinkWithAppointment“

Prozessmanagement-Modul „LinkWithAppointment“

Abschnitt „Terminabstimmung“

In diesem Bereich können Sie nach Terminen suchen.

Filter können mit Schlüssel-Werte-Paaren hinzugefügt werden. Es besteht eine logische UND-Beziehung zwischen den Filtern, wenn mehr als ein Filter hinzugefügt wird. Die logische ODER-Verknüpfung kann durch mehrere durch , getrennte Werte hinzugefügt werden.

Der Schlüssel Limit begrenzt die Anzahl der zurückgegebenen Termine. Dieses Feld ist obligatorisch.

Abschnitt „Verknüpfungstyp“

Hier kann der Verknüpfungstyp für gefundene Termine definiert werden. Mögliche Werte sind Normal, Eltern oder Kind.

Siehe auch

Siehe die LinkWithAppointment und die AppointmentSearch() API-Referenz.


Diese API-Referenzen sind nicht online verfügbar, aber sie sind in diesem Handbuch enthalten.

AppointmentDataPull API


Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::Modules::AppointmentDataPull - A module to fetch data from a linked appointment.


All AppointmentDataPull functions.



Don't use the constructor directly, use the ObjectManager instead:

    my $AppointmentDataPullObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::Modules::AppointmentDataPull');


Run Data

my $Success = $AppointmentDataPullObject->Run(
    UserID                          => 123,
    Ticket                          => \%Ticket,  # required
    ProcessEntityID                 => 'P123',
    ActivityEntityID                => 'A123',
    SequenceFlowEntityID            => 'T123',
    SequenceFlowActionEntityID      => 'TA123',
    Config => {

        ConfigSearchKeyValueList {
            # Appointment title (optional)
            Title => '%SomeText1%,%SomeText2%',

            # Appointment location (optional)
            Location => '%SomeText1%,%SomeText2%',

            # Appointment description (optional)
            Description => '%SomeText1%,%SomeText2%'

            # Appointment calendars
            CalendarIDs => '1,2,3',
            Calendars   => 'CalendarA,CalendarB',

            # Appointment teams
            TeamIDs => '1,2,3',
            Teams   => 'TeamA,TeamB',

            # Appointment resources
            ResourceIDs => '1,2,3',

            # DynamicFields (optional) as single or comma separated values.
            DynamicField_FieldNameA => 'Empty=1',
            DynamicField_FieldNameB => 'Equals=123,456',
            DynamicField_FieldNameC => 'Like=value*',
            DynamicField_FieldNameD => 'GreaterThan=2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            DynamicField_FieldNameE => 'GreaterThanEquals=2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            DynamicField_FieldNameF => 'SmallerThan=2002-02-02 02:02:02',
            DynamicField_FieldNameG => 'SmallerThanEquals=2002-02-02 02:02:02',

            # AllDay appointments
            AllDay => 1,

            # Appointments created more than 60 minutes ago (appointment older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

            # Appointments created less than 120 minutes ago (appointment newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

            # Appointments with create time after ... (appointment newer than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

            # Appointments with created time before ... (appointment older than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

            # Appointments started more than 60 minutes ago (appointment start time older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

            # Appointments started less than 120 minutes ago (appointment start time newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

            # Appointments with start time after ... (appointment start time newer than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

            # Appointments with start time before ... (appointment start time older than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

            # Appointments ended more than 60 minutes ago (appointment end time older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

            # Appointments ended less than 120 minutes ago (appointment end time newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

            # Appointments with end time after ... (appointment end time newer than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

            # Appointments with end time before ... (appointment end time older than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

            # Appointments which are inside the given period. Both values must be given for this filter. (optional)
            AppointmentPeriodTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
            AppointmentPeriodTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        ConfigDropdown => {
            Behavior => 'NoCopy',       #  'NoCopy', 'CopyFirstLinked' or 'CopyLastLinked' only

        UserID => 123,     # optional,to override the UserID from the logged user

        # Value set:
        #   * Key is the attribute of the process ticket where the data will be set
        #   * Value is the value to be set, supporting smart tags <OTRS_APPOINTMENT_*> from the resulting linked
        #     appointment after match and behavior filters
        #   Example:
        #   * To set process ticket title to be exactly the linked appointment title:
        #     Title => '<OTRS_APPOINTMENT_Title>',
        #   * To set the process ticket dynamic field NameX to an static value (not real pull):
        #     DynamicField_NameX => 'someValue',

- `Ticket` contains the result of TicketGet including DynamicFields.

AppointmentDataPush API


Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::Modules::AppointmentDataPush - A module to insert data to a linked appointment.


All AppointmentDataPush functions.



Don't use the constructor directly, use the ObjectManager instead:

    my $AppointmentDataPushObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::Modules::AppointmentDataPush');


Run Data

my $Success = $AppointmentDataPushObject->Run(
    UserID                          => 123,
    Ticket                          => \%Ticket,  # required
    ProcessEntityID                 => 'P123',
    ActivityEntityID                => 'A123',
    SequenceFlowEntityID            => 'T123',
    SequenceFlowActionEntityID      => 'TA123',
    Config => {

        ConfigSearchKeyValueList {
            # Appointment title (optional)
            Title => '%SomeText1%,%SomeText2%',

            # Appointment location (optional)
            Location => '%SomeText1%,%SomeText2%',

            # Appointment description (optional)
            Description => '%SomeText1%,%SomeText2%'

            # Appointment calendars
            CalendarIDs => '1,2,3',
            Calendars   => 'CalendarA,CalendarB',

            # Appointment teams
            TeamIDs => '1,2,3',
            Teams   => 'TeamA,TeamB',

            # Appointment resources
            ResourceIDs => '1,2,3',

            # DynamicFields (optional) as single or comma separated values.
            DynamicField_FieldNameA => 'Empty=1',
            DynamicField_FieldNameB => 'Equals=123,456',
            DynamicField_FieldNameC => 'Like=value*',
            DynamicField_FieldNameD => 'GreaterThan=2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            DynamicField_FieldNameE => 'GreaterThanEquals=2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            DynamicField_FieldNameF => 'SmallerThan=2002-02-02 02:02:02',
            DynamicField_FieldNameG => 'SmallerThanEquals=2002-02-02 02:02:02',

            # AllDay appointments
            AllDay => 1,

            # Appointments created more than 60 minutes ago (appointment older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

            # Appointments created less than 120 minutes ago (appointment newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

            # Appointments with create time after ... (appointment newer than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

            # Appointments with created time before ... (appointment older than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

            # Appointments started more than 60 minutes ago (appointment start time older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

            # Appointments started less than 120 minutes ago (appointment start time newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

            # Appointments with start time after ... (appointment start time newer than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

            # Appointments with start time before ... (appointment start time older than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

            # Appointments ended more than 60 minutes ago (appointment end time older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

            # Appointments ended less than 120 minutes ago (appointment end time newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

            # Appointments with end time after ... (appointment end time newer than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

            # Appointments with end time before ... (appointment end time older than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

            # Appointments which are inside the given period. Both values must be given for this filter. (optional)
            AppointmentPeriodTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
            AppointmentPeriodTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        UserID => 123,     # optional,to override the UserID from the logged user

        # Value set:
        #   * Key is the attribute of the linked appointments where the data will be pushed
        #   * Value is the value to be set, supporting smart tags <OTRS_TICKET_*> from the current process ticket e.g.
        #   Example:
        #   * To set linked appointments title to be exactly the process ticket title:
        #     Title => '<OTRS_Ticket_Title>',
        #   * To set the location name to an static value:
        #     Location => 'Meeting Room',

- `Ticket` contains the result of TicketGet including DynamicFields.

LinkWithAppointment API


Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::Modules::LinkWithAppointment - A module to link appointments.


All LinkWithAppointment functions.



Don't use the constructor directly, use the ObjectManager instead:

    my $LinkWithAppointmentObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::Modules::LinkWithAppointment');


Run Data

my $Success = $LinkWithAppointmentObject->Run(
    UserID                          => 123,
    Ticket                          => \%Ticket,  # required
    ProcessEntityID                 => 'P123',
    ActivityEntityID                => 'A123',
    SequenceFlowEntityID            => 'T123',
    SequenceFlowActionEntityID      => 'TA123',
    Config => {

        ConfigSearchKeyValueList {
            AppointmentID => 1234,
            AppointmentID => [1234, 1235],

            # Appointment title (optional)
            Title => '%SomeText1%,%SomeText2%',

            # Appointment location (optional)
            Location => '%SomeText1%,%SomeText2%',

            # Appointment description (optional)
            Description => '%SomeText1%,%SomeText2%'

            # Appointment calendars
            CalendarIDs => '1,2,3',
            Calendars   => 'CalendarA,CalendarB',

            # Appointment teams
            TeamIDs => '1,2,3',
            Teams   => 'TeamA,TeamB',

            # Appointment resources
            ResourceIDs => '1,2,3',

            # DynamicFields (optional) as single or comma separated values.
            DynamicField_FieldNameA => 'Empty=1',
            DynamicField_FieldNameB => 'Equals=123,456',
            DynamicField_FieldNameC => 'Like=value*',
            DynamicField_FieldNameD => 'GreaterThan=2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            DynamicField_FieldNameE => 'GreaterThanEquals=2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            DynamicField_FieldNameF => 'SmallerThan=2002-02-02 02:02:02',
            DynamicField_FieldNameG => 'SmallerThanEquals=2002-02-02 02:02:02',

            # AllDay appointments
            AllDay => 1,

            # Appointments created more than 60 minutes ago (appointment older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

            # Appointments created less than 120 minutes ago (appointment newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

            # Appointments with create time after ... (appointment newer than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

            # Appointments with created time before ... (appointment older than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentCreateTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

            # Appointments started more than 60 minutes ago (appointment start time older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

            # Appointments started less than 120 minutes ago (appointment start time newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

            # Appointments with start time after ... (appointment start time newer than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

            # Appointments with start time before ... (appointment start time older than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentStartTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

            # Appointments ended more than 60 minutes ago (appointment end time older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

            # Appointments ended less than 120 minutes ago (appointment end time newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

            # Appointments with end time after ... (appointment end time newer than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

            # Appointments with end time before ... (appointment end time older than this date) (optional)
            AppointmentEndTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

            # Appointments which are inside the given period. Both values must be given for this filter. (optional)
            AppointmentPeriodTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
            AppointmentPeriodTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        ConfigDropdown => {
            Behavior => 'NoCopy',       #  'NoCopy', 'CopyFirstLinked' or 'CopyLastLinked' only

        UserID                      => 123,     # optional,to override the UserID from the logged user

- `Ticket` contains the result of TicketGet including DynamicFields.
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